‘…so stick around’

There is something to be said when an old TV show comes on TV, even if I have copies of that show in more than one format. Finding 22 minutes plus commercials on Dana’s fear of fish late at night is serendipitous.

Yes, Sports Night is on, well at least for 30 minutes every once in a while. A show that lasted only two seasons, whose premiere and finale passed sans hashtag still engages and enthralls.

Something is afoot[er]

You might have noticed something different on this site, and on some pages on my main site, JoshuaIAltman.com. Its not big change, just a few lines of text at the bottom of each page comprising a short bio and a picture.

A short bio and a picture, that’s what is visible to the human eye, but more important to the human eye in this footer is what is visible to the machine’s eye. To the machines at Google and other search engines this snippet contains a wealth of structured of data tagged to each part of that short bio paragraph.

‘Don’t be so humble…’

Senior yearbook quotes are a way that high school students can provide a parting thought to their classmates with whom they spent four years of high school (or in my case thirteen years of primary and secondary education). Some students choose to write lengthy tomes naming friends and activities, declaring how much they will miss the people with whom they spent four thirteen years.

Facebook: The new decider

This week Facebook became embroiled in a(nother) fight about what content the company should allow on its social network. Before reading further, know that I do not support nor do I endorse any of the racist/sexist/hateful content discusses below.

The latest fight Facebook finds itself in is over removing (or not removing) misogynistic content, sometimes mild at other times graphic. The posts in question involve pro-rape and pro-partner abuse groups and user generated content.